Hello to anybody who might be reading this. This blog is meant to try and communicate to anybody who notices this; try and explain a situation I'm in. I'm not looking for help, because I know nobody would be able to offer assistance at all. This goes above the understanding of the world we have while we're alive.
Anyways, my name is Daniel. I can't remember when I was born or much about my life; that all faded away some time ago, whether a century or a day I do not know. All I am sure of is that at some point I entered this plane of existence that I am on now, and there seems to be no way to get out.
I recognize the area; it's a collection of places that were important to me in my past, places that meant much to me. But it's wrong. It's all a twisted mockery, distorted out of recognition into something horrible. There's suffering everywhere. Men (at least, they resemble men in appearance) in black robes walk around, torturing those they find until the end of the day. When the sun sets, hideous creatures tear out of the woods and devour those they find. At the dawn of the next day, whenever the sun should rise, the world "resets", so to speak. The horrors from the previous day are undone, and we all get to live through another day in the place again.
Once a week is the most wonderful day imaginable. People you love come back to speak to you, and you finally find solace in being able to speak to them again. At the end of the day, however, they rot away, leaving you alone again.
I hope to keep a log of all that happens for myself, as well; my goal is to remember what has happened on each day, in an attempt to stay one step ahead of the tricks in this place. It makes ones memories slowly fade away, likely so it can replay the same tricks over and over again without the victim's ability to become any the wiser. Maybe if I keep a log of everything here, I'll be able to stay ahead of it and maybe, just maybe, find a way out.
Wait someone Else with Internet is here?? THANK THE FUCKING LORD!!!!!